
Official Emotional Support Animal & Service Animal Registry

Fly with you pet
Keep your pet in any housing
No pet security deposits
FHA and ACAA Compliant

Pet Microchip Lookup

You can also visit AAHA Universal Pet Microchip Lookup to get detail information about your microchip registration. Click HERE 

  • Microchip is distributed or manufacturers & Contact Information
    • AKC Reunite (800-252-7894)
    • Avid (800-336-2843)
    • Avid EuroChip (800-336-2843)
    • Avid (Canada) (800-338-1397)
    • Banfield (800-838-6738)
    • Digital Angel (800-328-0118)
    • EIDAP (888-346-8899)
    • Found Animals (855-PET-CHIP (855-738-2447) or
    • HomeAgain (888-466-3242)
    • BuddyID™ (985-898-0772 or
    • M4S ID/PetIDGreen (877-738-4384)
    • 24PetWatch Pet Protection Services (866-597-2424)
    • PetKey (866-973-8539)
    • Petstablished (855-684-3184 Ext.103)
    • Save This Life (855-777-CHIP or 855-777-2447)
  • Why doesn’t the tool show the pet owner’s information?

    To protect the privacy of pet owners, the tool will display all the registries with microchip registration information available, along with the registries’ contact information. The information will appear in chronological order; the registry with the most recent update appears first. Additionally, the pet recovery services have trained experts, resources and infrastructure to efficiently and effectively contact the owners of lost pet.

  • If I am a pet owner and don’t see my pet’s microchip information, whom should I contact?

    Since the tool works by checking the databases of participating pet recovery services to determine which has registration information available for a microchip, pet owners should contact their pet recovery service. The American Animal Hospital Association will be unable to assist pet owners with their microchip registration and/or problems.

  • AAHA Disclaimer

    The AAHA Universal Pet Microchip Lookup Tool is NOT a microchip registry—it is an internet-based application to assist in the identification of those registries on which a particular microchip is registered, or otherwise provide the chip’s manufacturer. The tool works by searching the databases of participating companies. It will not return pet owner information contained in the registries’ databases, instead it will identify which registries should be contacted when a lost pet is scanned and a microchip number is identified.)

    The American Animal Hospital Association does not maintain a database of microchips of its own. To register a microchip or update contact information for a microchip, pet owners should contact their pet recovery service. AAHA is unable to assist pet owners with their microchip registration and/or problems.

Which Registration is Right for My Pet?

Emotional Support Animals

Emotional Support Animals provide you with comfort and relief and help you deal with stress, anxiety, depression, panic attacks and other emotional problems. The Fair Housing Amendments Act and Air Carrier Access Act protect your rights in having an Emotional Support Animal in any housing without being forced to pay any pet fees or deposits and fly in the cabin of an airplane with their owner for free.

Service Animals

Service Animals are dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability. Service Dogs are allowed to accompany you anywhere the public has access as long as you are in control of the animal.

FREE ESA Letter Pre-Screening

ESA Doctors Letter will allow you to fly on airplane for free, laws will protect you, valid in all 50 states and also gets listed in national service animal registry database. See if you are qualified now!
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Emotional Support Animal

Describe the professors teaching in this field, the types of courses they offer, awards they have won and other information that will interest potential students. 
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ESA Letter for Airlines and Housing

Describe the professors teaching in this field, the types of courses they offer, awards they have won and other information that will interest potential students. 
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ESA Letter for Airlines & Housing

Describe the professors teaching in this field, the types of courses they offer, awards they have won and other information that will interest potential students. 
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